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Reworked Tech Tree Debuts in Latest Update

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Dreadnought has been updated with patch v1.11 that brings an overhauled tech tree into the game. Major shifts came about as a direct result of player feedback and provide players an opportunity to identify and work towards the ships and modules they want most. In addition, the Naga ship has been added as well as secondary loadouts and a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Dreadnought puts players in the captain’s chair of massive capital ships on the front lines of competitive team-based battles across a variety of multiplayer game modes. There are more than 50 playable vessels to master, each customizable with an array of weapons, modules, coatings and decals. Five distinct ship classes, specializing in tactical roles like frontline assault, long-range bombardment, strategic support and more, offer captains unique powers to exploit the enemy team’s weaknesses and claim victory.

Check out the full patch notes on the Dreadnought site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom