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Returning ArcheAge Players Will Get a Free Homecoming Bundle

Get Hellkissed When You Return

Steven Weber Posted:
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If you haven’t checked in with ArcheAge in a while, Gamigo plans to entice you back over the next few weeks with a free Homecoming Box for ArcheAge Free-to-Play players and ArchAge: Unchained players. Each box will have rewards specific to either the legacy or the unchained version of ArcheAge.

Players interested in taking advantage of the Homecoming gift, only need to head to the Glyph store to redeem their rewards. The boxes will be available until February 11th at 2PM UTC, so players should plan their redemption sooner rather than later so they don’t miss out on all the free goods. Here is a list of what players will receive from each box:

 Hellkissed Homecoming Bundle (Legacy)

  • Contains: – Homecoming Coin x1
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5 x5
  • Manastorm Crystal x80
  • Bound Tax Certificate x150
  • Secret Hiram Infusion x80
  • Bound Double Hunting XP Elixir x5
  • Bound Elixir of Hunt x5
  • Bound Elixir of Vocation x5
  • Gilda Star x50
  • Decrystallization Scroll x5
  • Bound Hellkissed Weapon Crate x3
  • Loyalty Token x50

 Hellkissed Homecoming Bundle (Unchained)

  • Contains: – Homecoming Coin x1
  • Honorable Victory Rank 5 x5
  • Diligence Coins x50
  • Bound Tax Certificate x150
  • Secret Hiram Infusion x80
  • Bound Double Hunting XP Elixir x5
  • Bound Elixir of Hunt x5
  • Bound Elixir of Vocation x5
  • Gilda Star x50
  • Decrystallization Scroll x5
  • Bound Hellkissed Weapon Crate x3

Homecoming coins will also be redeemable for a whole host of rewards, and you can check them all out on the official post:

Back in November, ArcheAge released their Rise of Nehliya patch, so player’s that haven’t hopped in to see what’s new may find now is as more enticing than ever, as there are free goodies waiting to welcome you back.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.