Plunderstorm is back in World of Warcraft, with a bunch of improvements and new and returning rewards. The challenging, fast-paced matches are ready to jump into, with updated abilities, new points of interest, and pirate themed loot.
There are several improvements this time around. There’s a Practice Lobby where you can spend some time arranging your keybinds, trying out new spells and abilities to see how they work or feel, and even preview some of the rewards you have a chance to earn.
If you played during the first Plunderstorm event, there are some new challenges and additions to discover. Non-elite enemies will now respawn, so you have more ways to earn plunder. There are also new points of interest to discover and new enemy spawn camps. More opportunities to earn plunder.
When you are ready for a match, you'll now be able to choose where you drop in. You can customize a Plunderstorm character via character select or enter with one of your characters via the Group Finder’s PvP tab. Then, it will be time to battle, earn plunder, and most of all, try to stay alive in the high seas pirate-themed battle royale mode. The last one standing wins.
Plunderstorm: Impressions Of WoW's First Battle Royale
The team has added new spells and updated previous ones to shake things up a bit and to add some improved controls and options. There are new offensive spells and utility spells. All of these changes are broken down in the event announcement, so you can get a feel for what is available, or you can test them all out in the practice lobby.
As you defeat enemies and plunder some treasure chests, you'll discover some lootable spells, upgrades, and more to add to your arsenal. The matches run from 10 to 15 minutes, so you can expect the number of upgrades and advantages to be high.
Where there are pirates, there is loot. Use the plunder you earn in the Plunderstore to exchange for new and returning items. The Hooktalon flying mount, Plunderlord’s Midnight Crocolisk Mount, and several pets are available, like Glamrok and Sparklesnap the crab pets. There are also weapon and armor transmogs, including the Stormridden transmog set.