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Reminder, Star Citizen Free Fly Event Ongoing Till September 23

Hop in if interested

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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In case you missed it, there’s a Free Fly event going on right now in Star Citizen until September 23.

This is all part of the game’s annual Ship Showdown. Phase 1 of the contest included voting on the top ships in a sort of bracket. This free fly event is actually part of Phase 2 of this contest with the top 16 submissions. As the free fly event page notes,

“In addition to moving on to the next phase of the competition, all 16 ships selected by the community will be available for you to try during a two-week Free Fly event. After all, there's no better way to decide which ship is champion material than to take to the skies and test-fly them for yourself.”

You can learn more details on the free fly event here, including instructions on how to install Star Citizen if you’re interested.