Dark or Light

Regenesis Announced

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Perfect World Entertainment has announced the next Jade Dynasty expansion and sent out a list of the highlight additions that players can expect. Called "Regenesis", the expansion is slated to be released in the near future, though no specific date was given.

Synopsis of Features:

  • New Etherkin race to play as, including two new factions (classes) you can be: the Psychea and Kytos.
  • Sprawling new starting zone. All three races' starting zones, plus the hub city of New Sunstream, are in the same map.
  • Alliance bases. (Alliances are up to 200+ players.)
  • Reworked starting experience. The starting quests have been reworked to be more engaging, and to showcase the game's arcane, colorful maps.
  • New instances and updates to old instances.
  • Updated graphics engine, allowing for improved foliage interaction and better lighting on water.

Read more on the Jade Dynasty site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom