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Red Hulk Gets Knocked Down a Peg in Marvel Snap's Latest Balance Patch

Casey Bell Posted:
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Second Dinner’s latest over-the-air balance patch is out for Marvel Snap and it brings some unsurprising but necessary changes along with it.

The most notable change in the update is a fairly modest nerf to Red Hulk, who has been ubiquitous in the meta as an auto-include in just about every deck since his release. Second Dinner reduced his base power from 11 to 9 in this update, which shouldn’t surprise anyone, but what is surprising is that Second Dinner didn’t go a step further and lower the amount of power he gains with each stack.

Other changes include a small tweak to U.S. Agent’s negative power affliction, taking it from -3 to -4, which is probably not enough to make a difference in his play rate. Similarly, Jean Grey and Mantis got small tweaks, with Jean gaining a single power point bringing her to 4 power and Mantis going down to a 1 cost from 2.

Stature, a card that used to dominate the meta by simple virtue of its value as a 1/7 after an opponent Discards a card, got nerfed to a 5/6 months ago, but Second Dinner is now reverting the change and restoring her back to her former glory as a strong value card.