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Red Dead Online Features Hired Gun Rewards This Week

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Hired Gun rewards are the big payouts this week in Red Dead Online, along with the usual discounts and bonuses. These are the details for what’s going in the Wild West this week.

Receive double RDO$ and XP on all Free Roam Missions, plus double RDO$ on all Legendary and Infamous Bounty Missions. Grab an additional 10% XP boost for Posse members when taking on any Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events and Bounty Missions.

There’e also a login gift this week for Low Honor players which includes a free Black Gathered Bandana. Take advantage of an offer of 5 Gold Bars off the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License for Bounty Hunters who complete any three Legendary Bounties this week.

There’s also an offer for 40% off a Stable Stall and 2 Rewards for 2,000 Character XP apiece for Rank 30 Bounty Hunters. Take advantage of free Fast Travel all week, plus no Persistent Posse Setup Fees for the next week.

Bounty Hunter discounts this week include the Bounty Hunter License available for 5 Gold Bars, plus 50% off the Reinforced Lasso, and 40% off all cosmetic Bounty Hunter and Prestigious Bounty Hunter Role Items.

Additional discounts include 5 Gold Bars off the Change Appearance fee, 50% off Haircuts, Dentistry, and Makeup at all Barbers, 40% off all Pistols and anything from Wilderness Outfitters, plus 30% off all War Horses at Stables, all Role Outfits and all Tonics.

Finally, ongoing Prime Gaming benefits include a reward for a free Emote, plus Offers for 30% off the Bar Expansion and a Novice or Promising Moonshiner Item for logging in before July 5. You can learn more about what’s going on in Red Dead Online this week over at Rockstar Newswire.