Nine years after its original launch date, Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot is still running and our own Adam Tingle ventured back into the game to give it a new review.
Like the world economy, Camelot has been going through some tough times. For almost a decade a Dark Age has been virtually upon us; a trio of factions equip loyalties as weapons and engage in bloody conflict; rebellious forces threaten to tear apart once peaceful lands; for close to ten years, heroes have been called upon; champions have been created, and a new age of Camelot has been long sought after. It is time once more for me to clutch my sword, grab my cloak and head out into the lands of Albion, Midgard and Hibernia with critical eyes.
Returning to an older MMORPG is always a somber and almost depressing prospect. The slight hints of anticipation are usually punctured with desolate hunting zones, entrenched veterans and an overall feeling of neglect. In Dark Age of Camelot however, things are a little different. Herein lies a game of activity, event and life even after an almost decade long life span. It is genuinely inspirational to see a game of such age still have crowds of players populating hubs and various activity driven destinations. With this however, comes a price, DAoC is no longer the MMORPG experience it once was, the game is now busied solely with PvP, and while this is by no means a terrible thing, anyone looking to find virtual life in these lands will find little else. With further ado, let’s get ready to rumble…
Read Re-Reviewing Camelot.