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Ray Tracing Comes to Diablo 4 This Week

Casey Bell Posted:
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The gothic horror world of Blizzard’s Diablo 4 is about to become even more terrifyingly beautiful with support for ray tracing coming in update 1.3.5 on March 26.

Ray tracing support for D4 was officially unveiled earlier this year at CES and now it’s finally upon us. Blizzard’s implementation focuses primarily on ray traced shadows, reflections, and ambient occlusion. More advanced features such as global illumination aren’t part of the package.

Still, there’s plenty to be excited about. Blizzard’s blog update shows off the new effects and things look like they’re about to get a whole lot more spooky in Sanctuary. The improved shadow detail in a world full of monsters around every corner is sure to improve the immersive feeling of exploring Sanctuary.

With the increased fidelity will come increased performance cost and Blizzard was keen to highlight that those with NVIDIA RTX 40 series will be able to leverage DLSS 3 Frame Generation technology to keep up with the extra demand. Players with other RTX series cards should be able to tweak things with DLSS 2 Super Resolution settings to improve framerates.