Ragnarok Online has received the Illusion Turtle Dungeon. Here’s what’s included in the update.
There’s a new main quest which requires you to be level 150 to begin. You’ll find the starting location in Alberta with rewards including five Illusion Stones, EXP, and Job EXP. Speak to Knight Alyvar in the harbor to begin.
Eventually, you’ll be taken to a dungeon. Tasks inside the dungeon involve:
- Hunt 10 Ominous Permeters
- Hunt 10 Ominous Soliders
- Hunt 10 Ominous Freezers
- Hunt 10 Ominous Heaters
- Collect 10 Rotten Meats
There are new daily quests as well by speaking with Knight Aylvar. There’s also an equipment exchange where you can trade your existing equipment and materials from the dungeon for Illuision equipment. Some items include an Illusion Immaterial Sword, Illusion War Axe, Illusion Pole Axe, Illuision Wing Shuriken, Illusion Iron Driver, and Illusion Fancy Flower. The update brings new cards as well. You can check out the full details of this update here.