World of Warcraft's second phase of The War Within pre-patch is now live. Radiant Echoes, a new pre-expansion event that will let you get new items to add to your Warband collection, has begun.
The event will run from today through August 26th, right up until the official release of The War Within. You don't have to have pre-ordered the expansion in order to take part in this event, because it's open to everyone from levels 10 to 70. Rariant Echoes will happen over four stages. within the event everything will cycle between three different zones. what happens is the event will be active within a particular Zone and during the first week this will happen every 90 minutes.
The event will cycle through three designated zones on a particular schedule. This schedule will change. For the first week, it changes every 90 minutes, every 60 minutes in the second week, and during the third and fourth weeks, the zones will cycle every 30 minutes.
In state 1, you will have to defeat Congealed Memories that appear in the active zone. When stage 2 begins, you'll have to defeat the radiant echoes. There will be six possible random events that become active in a zone. You'll be able to see them on the map. Next, in stage 3, will be a quest that will require you defeat one of three event bosses.
Once the boss in the zone has been killed, stage 4 begins. The radiant echoes are done and you can return or stay in the zone to continue slaying some of the memories to keep racking up more Residual Memories currency. If you haven't completed the quest yet when players defeat the boss, you'll have to wait until that particular event begins again in the zone.
Depending on how much you acquire, you'll be able to exchange them for a number of rewards with gear rewards beginning at item level 480. Some of the rewards cost as little as 25 Residual Memories, and two– Remembered Golden Gryphon (Alliance) and Remembered Wind Rider (Horde) cost 20,000 and grant mounts. The list of rewards is pretty long, and now with Warbands active in the pre-patch, your whole roster can share in what you can acquire here.
This should keep a number of players busy until the expansion launches.