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Preview The Elder Scrolls Online's New Tales of Tribute Deck, and Patron, the Druid King

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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When the Firesong DLC is out next month for The Elder Scrolls Online, one of the new additions is a new patron and card deck for Tales of Tribute. Today there's a new preview of The Druid King deck, patron powers, and a new mechanic on the way.

The latest  patron is the Druid King. Firesong will explore more about the Druids, including by taking you to the zone of Galen.

Now that players with the High Isle chapter have had their chance to get used to the existing decks and how the game is played, it was time to shake things up some.

In the new preview, we learn the ESO team’s design process  and goals for the new deck. It had to be relevant to both the content and work with the existing decks. It also had to improve the meta and, in general, have something to offer Tales of Tribute other than just new cards. There will also be a whole new card mechanic. 

So what can we expect from the Druid King deck? The card names in the deck and all of the art are designed to connect to the druid circles. If you’re able to create a powerful combo, the patron power means you’ll get to unlock the Chimera and be able to cycle cards out of the Tavern.

The new card mechanic coming is called “While in Play” and opens up some new strategic possibilities. According to designer John Carlson, “this is similar to combos in that you get extra effects from playing other cards, but these focus on the actions players perform. One such card, the Stonelore Rockseeker, earns you 1 Coin whenever any agent is played or activated. With an effect like this, you are rewarded for every agent you play, even ones from other decks”.

In addition to this new mechanic, if you have the Druid King deck, you'll still need to bring a second deck to the table. You'll have to learn and understand how this new deck works with the existing ones if you want to win.

Read the full preview over at The Elder Scrolls Online. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.