Albion Online’s Rogue Frontier update is almost here. The team is previewing some more features on the way, including kill trophies, the newest Crystal Weapons, new Albion Journal category, and economic stabilization plans.
The update is out on February 3rd. A new furnishing item is going to be a special way to show off your PvP glory: kill trophies. When you kill another player, one of these may drop. Details on them will include who you killed, where and when you killed them, and their equipment. The trophies will look different depending on where you declared victory. For example, if you kill someone in a Corrupted dungeon, the trophy will look like “a demonic monument”. The trophies will also be tradable, so you can imagine what you might do or might want in return.
There are three new Crystal weapons in this update: Rotcaller Staff (Cursed staff), Skystrider Bow, and Forcepulse Bracers (War Gloves). The new staff lets you summon a deadly-mist spewing cursed spectre. With the bow, You can jump into the air and rain down up to three shots onto your enemies. The bracers let you dash towards your target and give your auto attacks extra magical damage.
Soon, you’ll get to fill your Journal with Details about all of the creatures you run into. The new Journal category is called just that, Creatures. Say hello to your brand new bestiary where you can look through the appearance of the creatures you run into, their location, and more. By completing this category, you can earn rewards like the The Emerald Basilisk Swamp Dragon mount skin.
New Dynamic Resource hotspots are coming. Medium resource hotspots are larger gathering zones that spawn a single resource type. This will now be the exclusive place to find open world Resource Guardians. These zones will be available in tier 5 to tier 8 regions.
The second type is Resource Mists, instanced temporary regions that are rich in a single resource type and there are two variants, one exclusively for solo players, and one for multiplayer encounters. Access these via a new wisp type.
The team will be introducing a self-balancing economic mechanism that should hopefully help stabilize prices and avoid economic shocks.
There’s more in the full dev video and in the preview devblog.