's Richard Aihoshi talks about the art of covering E3 and the show that he would most like to attend given the opportunity.
Richard Aihoshi's latest column serves up his observations after this year's edition, and also looks ahead to a show with a much stronger F2P focus, ChinaJoy.
After attending about nine or 10 in a row, I've haven't been to the past couple of E3s, which means I wasn't in Los Angeles last week for the 2010 edition. Overall, my reaction this time was pretty much the same as last year, when I found that the one thing I truly missed was the opportunity the show provides to see and speak with a lot of bright, interesting, cool people in the industry.
How about the event itself? Well, yes, I missed it too - but definitely to a lesser extent.
I was always fortunate in not having to cover past E3s like many writers who are obliged to split their time between seeing game presentations and trying to write them up as quickly as possible, most often as show reports and/or mini-previews. I opted not to do those, which let me take twice as many meetings at the cost of not putting up any articles until the week after. So, I got the chance to see and learn more, but my coverage generated fewer page views than it would have had I approached the show in the "standard" manner.
Read Post-E3 Thoughts.