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Post-E3: "Smaller is Better"

Dana Massey Posted:
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When the axe fell on E3, we wanted to know what this meant for us, developers and fans. In search of that answer, we spoke to AGC Excutive Director Christopher Sherman.

The king of all gaming shows met a surprising end this week. E3’s passing has already inspired a number of touching pieces. This isn’t one of them. The move was the inevitable result of booth-bloat – spending millions for an unquantifiable return - and, with any luck, signals a new era of specialized gaming conferences.

The question everyone in this field faces today is where to spend our time, energy and money in the future. There are a dozen game conferences other than E3, but will any of them become the one-stop shopping of video game conferences?

“Smaller is better,” says Christopher Sherman, the Executive Director of the Austin Game Conference, which has been mentioned in some circles as a possible successor to E3. “We don’t aspire to be a 60,000 person event.”

The whole article is available here.


Dana Massey