As what is now being dubbed as "Not-E3" kicks into gear today, PlayStation gets out ahead of the pack with their State of Play presentation. Here are the big announcements from today's presentation.
PlayStation's Not-E3 2022 State of Play: All The Big Announcement's From Sony

Final Fantasy XVI is coming, finally, Summer 2023. The new trailer showed off heavy action-RPG combat, as well as focusing on the various summons and deities from Final Fantasy's past, including Odin, Ifrit, Bahamut, Shiva, Ramuh and more.
The Callisto Protocol got a new trailer, bringing the jump-scare horror game from the former-Dead Space developers closer to release, set for December 2nd. Rollerdrome, a roller-skating shooter is coming from Roll7 on August 16th. Finally, anime horror title, Eterknights was shown off, coming early 2023.
Street Fighter 6 was also shown off a bit more, possibly teasing an adventure mode? We'll know more as it is hitting PS4 and PS5 in 2023.
Spider-Man Remastered, Insomniac's epic webslinging super-hero adventure, is coming to PC later this year. August 12th, 2022.
Four PSVR2 games were shown off during this State of Play, starting with Resident Evil Village, The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners: Retribution, No Man's Sky VR, and a Horizon VR: Call of the Mountain. The latter is coming exclusively to PSVR 2. Additionally, a massive update to Horizon: Forbidden West was announced, bringing New Game +, weapons and trophies to the RPG.
Resident Evil 4 is coming to PlayStation 5 on March 23rd, 2023 - with some PlayStation VR2 content coming.