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Play as The Ritualist in Remnant 2's 'The Awakened King' DLC

Casey Bell Posted:
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Gunfire Games reveals the Ritualist as a new playable archetype included with Remnant 2's 'The Awakened King' DLC releasing later this month. 

A master of miasma, the Ritualist specializes in spreading status effects throughout the battlefield. According to the Ritualist blog update, the new archetype features the following abilities:

Their Prime Perk, “Vile”, makes enemies more susceptible to Status Damage and spreads their statues to nearby enemies upon death.   

Using “Eruption”, the Ritualist detonates nearby enemies and adds insult to injury by dealing bonus damage to those already suffering from Status Effects.  

To thin the herd, unleashing “Miasma” instantly applies Bleeding, Burning, Overloaded, and Corroded to all enemies within range.  

Lastly, “Deathwish” curses the Ritualist themselves. It forgoes standard healing and causes constant health drain but grants a heavy damage buff and substantial lifesteal. 

Fittingly, Gunfire Games is staying mum on how exactly players can unlock the new archetype in the DLC. The Remnant games are known for their many puzzles, often taking the combined efforts of the community to uncover its biggest secrets.

'The Awakened King' DLC will set players on a new adventure to uncover the mystery of the One True King in a mysterious new area in Remnant II's world of Losomn. New dungeons, items, and challenging fights await players when the DLC arrives on November 14.
