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Picking the Mind of Adam Bohn

Jon Wood Posted:
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In this edition of Richard Aihoshi's Free Zone, the columnist talks to Atrix Entertainment CEO Adam Bohn about the web based MMO model and how it fits into the current scheme of things.

If it came down to picking the one thing I've found most rewarding since I started writing about MMOGs in the mid-1990s, I might well choose the chance to learn about games, the design and development processes and the industry in general from people whose knowledge goes far beyond my own. Given the growth, broadening and evolution of the category these days, I'm more thankful than ever to be able to access information and highly informed opinions from such individuals.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Adam Bohn, the CEO of free to play developer and publisher Artix Entertainment, which he founded in 2002. While I have definite reservations about putting too much stock in user registration figures, I did take notice when his company announced last month that it had reached the 100 million mark. The large majority can be attributed to five releases including a pair of MMOs, AdventureQuest Worlds and EpicDuel, plus online RPGs DragonFable, MechQuest, and AdventureQuest. All are in the burgeoning web-based sector, which I'm trying hard to understand better.

Read Picking the Mind of Adam Bohn.