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Pearl Abyss Adds New Enhancement Pity System to Black Desert Online

Casey Bell Posted:
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Pearl Abyss has added a long overdue enhancement pity system to Black Desert Online via an update that adds the “Ancient Anvil” system.  

Now when players enhance their items a failure will generate an ‘Essence of Agris’ in the associated item. After a “specified number” of these essences are accumulated in the item, the ancient anvil will become active and guarantee the next enhancement on that item is a success. This essence will accumulate in accessory items individually but weapons and armor will share a pool depending on pre-designated groups defined by the developer.

This isn’t the first major quality of life improvement Pearl Abyss has made to Black Desert Online recently. The developer also launched the J’s Hammer of Precision event, which will allow players to craft free of failure all the way through November 27. One might argue that these sorts of initiatives are long overdue, but players are sure to appreciate the savings in frustration and resources both long term with the Ancient Anvil system and at least through most of 2024 with this latest event.

One caveat is that the Ancient Anvil system applies to all (and permanently) but in order to acquire the Hammer of Precision accessory, players will need to have at least 200 hours played in the game.