As a continuation of its slow-crawling but heavy-hitting economy and functionality updates, Pax Dei has introduced its “Grace” currency system, which allows players to buy or earn currency for minor convenient “blessings.”
“Grace represents divine favor and serves as a resource for performing miracles,” the post reads. “Think of it as a spiritual energy, enabling you to cast unique, non-combat related spells.”
The included types of actions usable with Grace are currently crafting and gathering “blessings,” and later, the team hopes to implement teleportation to your home plot. For now, you can boost what types of crafts you get, as well as speed up your gathering processes. In short, it seems like these are conveniences more than they are gameplay super-boosts.
The easiest way to earn Grace is by logging in each day on any character in a region. You can also buy it with Gold, though there are diminishing returns that last throughout and reset each day. Most notably for those earning it, Grace is shared between characters on an account.
Grace launches on Thursday, January 23 with a no-reset patch.
It’s not clear if there are other ways to earn Grace, so right now it just seems set up as a login bonus and a good way to dump more of the new Gold currency, which was also introduced in this wider patch not long ago. Hopefully, we see more implementations soon enough, as the new shards for players show that development won’t need to down anytime soon.