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Pax Dei Says Alpha Still on This Year, Talks Friend Token to Up Alpha Invite Chances, and Releases Test Stats

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The Pax Dei team is affirming their plans for alpha this year and has released some stats from the small Friends and Family playtest.

Since we've now reached the end of October, it is a fair question to wonder if the promised Alpha test would indeed be coming this year after all. Mainframe, via the official Discord, is repeating a previous statement to indicate it is still on track, saying “sooner than before too long” and making sure everyone is prepared to have the best chance of being selected. 

They've also reminded everyone who did sign up to complete their profile  there to have a better shot, as well as mentioning the Friend Token system. This system is a way for groups to have a better shot at being invited to test. It doesn't have to be a large group, it could just be you and someone else or a couple of friends, but if you do have a large group, Mainframe wants you. “The Friend Token will help us select groups of friends who’d like to test the game together. The larger the group with the same Token, the better the chances to be selected.”

While we all wait, there has been an ongoing small family and friends test under NDA. They’ve released some stats from that test to give us all an idea how that’s going, and maybe give an idea what your adventures might be like should you get into a wider playtest.

Those testers have used over 346,749 building pieces with the top builder having used 25,767.  Since everything in the game is player created, it does make one wonder what 25k pieces added up to. There have been  5,284 deaths by NPC and 1,771 deaths by falling. Dungeons have seen over 180,000 square meters covered, and over 47,200 km explored. Those testers have also killed over 3,500 rabbits.

For more on the game and to sign up to test, head to Pax Dei.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.