Dark or Light

Pathfinder Online v2.5 Update Now on Live Server

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Release notes for Pathfinder Online’s v2.5 update are here covering off items, water, and more.

Though the release build for 2.5 has been running on the test server since March 9, it’s just hit the Live server yesterday. The focus of this update surrounds making claimable 10 hexes around Fort Inevitable. Basically, you can place holdings on them and make them claimable. The update notes that if you come across an unclaimed hex before March 24, don’t place holdings there without seeking permission from the company or settlement which has its first-week building rights. If you ignore this, your building will be torn down.

Water was also touched on. Specifically, that river near Canis Castrum which flows past Succinct Prime now actually contains water. Items were also a topic of discussion and include:

  • Blessings of Pharasma are now loot boxes and right-clicking on them provides a choice of one Boon from Pharasma (Lady’s Health, Lady’s Favor, Lady’s Foresight or Lady’s Protection).
  • Boons correctly last for the exact durations listed in their descriptions, though they do wear off instantly on death.
  • Unexplored Second Chances {Worthless} can’t be sold at auction houses.

The update also sees training levels dropped for the visiting combat alchemist trainers at the keeps in players’ settlements. They’ll continue to drop until they’re removed. You can check out the full update notes here.