Pathfinder Online will be shutting down on November 28th and the Paizo team has shut down all purchases on the web and in the game’s shop. Winding down operations will continue, as well as some refunds for affected players.
While the game is still running, any characters that are already active for November will stay active through the end and won’t be charged any more game months or credits. If you have any active characters, for players who might want to return to Pathfinder for old time’s sake, they can be reactivated if you have game time left on your account or if you have Azoth that you’d like to convert to a game month.
The team is also extending an opportunity to return for players who have inactive characters and don’t have available game time or Azoth to use on their accounts. Anyone who needs to get a character reactivated that way can contact customer support in order to take them up on the offer to work something out for the last few weeks. For players who still have game time left on their accounts but no inactive characters that need to be activated they can transfer those months to other accounts that have inactive characters.
When the game does shut down, players who still have account time left, as well as those who bought items like base camps or crafter studios at full price less than one year before the shutdown, will receive prorated refunds.
Paizo promises there will be a wrap up for the game before things shut down for the final time, and the team. While the game’s crowdfunding and early access helped lift Pathfinder Online into existence, its closure is simply because the game isn’t running in a way that justifies continued support.
For more on the shop closure and winding down operations, see the Pathfinder Online site.