Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is headed into Early Access and Visionary Realms knows you have questions. The team has announced a Q&A later this week and released some new info to prepare.
A lot has changed for Pantheon even just over the past year, with a number of decisions like the visual overhaul and other aspects like moving to seasonal-based testing, the community has never hesitated to weigh in. With the Early Access currently planned for December, this new milestone has brought up even more questions, considering all of the changes that have been happening.
The Q&A is currently set for July 25th at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the official Pantheon Discord. The team is taking questions up through Wednesday, July 24th, on Discord with the tag #EA. According to the announcement, the Q&A will “address some of the most asked questions and to share a bit of the plan for Early Access”.
Ahead of this, they've released an Early Access fact sheet today. The details here cover a lot of the basics that we can expect in the Early Access launch, including which zones will be includes, what playable races there will be, and planned classes. If you've been paying attention to the game, then you’ve probably already seen those, but there is some new info here.
Before Early Access opens, there will be a full server wipe, which means Seasons characters will be gone, but if you are a VIP or Champion pledge, the team promises you'll get a head start before everyone starts at the official launch.
Early Access will also end the current pledge system, including many of the perks, so if you want some of those, including that early entry, you can pledge before that happens.
We can expect periodic wipes as needed since the team will continue to develop the game, and they do intend to share a partial server list before Early Access opens. Visionary Realms says they don't intend on any special ruleset servers, and characters will be locked to their chosen server.