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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - A Game No One Else Will Make

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Brad McQuaid has finally revealed the details behind his KickStarter project called Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. The game is described as a return to challenge-based group play, hearkening back to the golden era of MMOs.

Design Tenets:

  • An awareness that content is king
  • A belief that game economies should be predicated on delaying and minimizing item value deflation
  • A commitment to a style of play that focuses on immersive combat, and engaging group mechanics.
  • An understanding that a truly challenging game is truly rewarding 
  • An expectation that the path of least resistance should also be the most entertaining
  • A mindset that Designed Downtime should be a part of the game to ensure players have time to form important social bonds. 
  • A belief that an immersive world requires intelligent inhabitants
  • An understanding that faction should be an integral part of interacting with the world and its citizenry.
  • A commitment to creating a world where a focus on group play will attract those seeking a challenge
  • A belief that the greatest sense of accomplishment comes when it is shared

MMO FOREFATHER BRAD McQUAID TARGETS GROUP-FOCUSED GAMERS WITH PANTHEON: RISE OF THE FALLEN Visionary Realms, Inc. Responds to the High Demand for a Challenging and Rewarding MMO Game by Funding through Kickstarter SAN DIEGO, Calif. - Jan. 13, 2014 - Visionary Realms, Inc. announced today their plans to meet a growing demand in the Massively Multiplayer Online Games market by developing Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, a game targeted towards the challenge-seeking gamer. The game's design and ideas were inspired by feedback from many MMO communities that have been looking for a return to a classic style of MMO gameplay and group-focused game content. "I receive emails almost every day asking for this type of game," said Visionary Realms' Chief Creative Officer, Brad McQuaid, who is best known for his critical and early involvement in the forming and influence of the MMORPG genre. "No one else seems to be answering this call. It's the kind of game we've been wanting to play for so long and we're finally getting a chance to make it, thanks to major advances in game development technology and crowdfunding." Visionary Realms Inc. in launching its Kickstarter campaign, now turns to the public for funding. "We believe there are many, many people out there who have been wanting a game like Pantheon for so long and we're asking them for their help in making it happen," said Director of Development, Salim Grant. "It's the perfect opportunity for us to work with the fans and have everyone be a very real and important part of this exciting project." The team began working on Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen in October of 2013. "We've got a fantastic team," said McQuaid. "These guys have done key work in many of today's AAA MMOs. Now we get to work together on a passion we all share, and make the kind of game we want to make." Members of the Visionary Realms, Inc. team have been involved in the creation of many of the fundamental mechanics and systems still used in most of today's MMO games and experienced by millions of gamers worldwide. Already the game has inspired gamers to create fansites for the game and communities to fill message boards in anticipation of the game. "I knew there was going to be excitement over this," said McQuaid. "I just didn't realize to what extent. We haven't even shared a lot of real information about the game yet. Wait until they see the Kickstarter site. It's going to be crazy!" The Kickstarter campaign runs until February 22, 2014, after which Visionary Realms, Inc. will be able to further expand the team to complete the game's development.

Check out the Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen KickStarter page for more information.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom