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Pantheon Development Update Tomorrow Will Dive Deeper into Road to Alpha

Poorna Shankar Updated: Posted:
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[Updated 5/6/2021]

Due to an illness, Visionary Realms will be postponing the stream. Details are below:

What follows is the original article:[Original Article]

Here’s a quick public service announcement for all you Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen fans. The team announced they will host a development update live stream tomorrow, May 6.

The news was announced on Twitter earlier with the team promising a deeper dive into the “Road to Alpha.” You can expect a progress report on the points from the previous Producer’s Letter, in addition to gaining insight into some of the larger plans moving forward.

As the Tweet mentions, you can catch the stream at 6p PDT tomorrow over on the official Twitch channel. This live stream follows a busy month for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. Just earlier last month, the team hosted a roundtable discussion purely focused on the lore of the world.

For those of you who love getting into the lore of these games, Justin Gerhart, the Lead Writer, assured the community that lore will be more than just stories and will play an integral role in the game,

“Yes, lore will be more than stories in our world. Some of that is up to you all how much more it is, and how you experience that “more” because there will always be the option, undoubtedly, for you to look something up somewhere and find the answer. Once somebody figures out the most optimized to go through a fight, little tidbits like “the dragon’s susceptible to cold” will not be as impactful because far more depth has already been achieved, you can just look it up and find out what you need to do and how you need to attack him. But the goal is to have it mean more to those who want more from it.”

More recently, the team was hiring for a Linux Administrator. If this sounds like you, check out the role and more details here.