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Palia's Winterlights Celebration Ends Next Week, and There's Still Time to Enjoy Some Seasonal Content

Plus, characters are no loonger stuck looking sad

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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You have one more week to enjoy Palia’s Winterlights event before the snowball fights and decorations are put back until next winter. The team updated info on the time remaining, rewards, and more so you can complete some more  before the event ends.

Of course, there are more events and holidays on the way, but if you haven't had a chance to enjoy the winter content, there’s still some time if you haven’t gotten everything you had your eye on. The celebration officially ends at 11:59 PT on Monday, January 20th. Singularity 6 updated the notes for update 0.187 to keep it simple and update on exactly what has already ended, and what the time is ticking down on.

The holiday login rewards ended today after offering three separate weeks of giveaways since December 10th. The Maji Market is also closed for now, but the market does return periodically, and they’ll update when it's next scheduled to be available. There are some things that are still around for now, including seasonal store content, including outfits, festives winter hats, seasonal pets,  and even a candy cane glider and tool skin. 

The Winterlights Store will also be going away, so if you want to buy these in game, including recipes for ornaments, snowy trees, a tiled roof, festive presents, snow banks, and furniture recipes and snowshoes, you have until the event is over to get them. Other features from the event including treasure chests are also back so if you haven't discovered them all yet, now's your chance to get out there and see what you can find.  

You're also looking for one last snowball fight before the snow melts and we move on to new seasons, you can get that into before next week. 

The updated notes also include some fxes that have been added, including correcting an issue that was making character faces consistently look sad. Now, your character should be able to express themselves in all kinds of moods.  Helpful additions include clear quest  markers over NPC's heads, better placeholder text, and bug fixes that were preventing quest completion. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.