UTV True Games has announced that the open beta for the action MMORPG, Mytheon, has commenced. Mytheon is being developed in house by UTV True Games after initially being developed by Petroglyph Games. At this time, there is no scheduled end date for the open beta.
Mytheon is an online, multiplayer Action/RPG with strategic game play where players experience classic mythology come to life and challenge legendary gods to define their own fate. Players, or "Stonecasters," have been given the power to defeat the gods by combining and casting magical stones in a battle to determine the destiny of humanity.
The only path to victory in the battle with the gods lies in mastering the Power Stones. These magical relics are weapons forged by the Fates themselves. The Stones bestow on their caster the power to summon mythological creatures from legends past and unleash dazzling spells on allies or opponents.
Read more and get involved with the open beta here.