The folks at Floresia have announce the official launch of their free-to-play MMO title.
Burda:ic, a publisher of online games worldwide, today announced the official launch of its free-to-play, fantasy MMORPG Florensia. Following an overwhelming 250,000 registered players in the open beta, Burda:ic has also doubled server capacity in the last week. This means that there’s plenty of room for potential adventurers from every corner of the globe - so sign up today and experience the thrilling maritime world of Florensia!
“We are convinced that Florensia provides fans with a terrific gaming experience”, said Ingo Griebl, managing director at Burda:ic. “We’re already excited about the prospect of doubling the server capacity again in the future.”
“Although we offer Florensia free-to-play, the customer support provided by our team will be the same level of support you’d see for a typical pay-to-play MMO,” said Achim Kaspers, managing director at Burda:ic. “We are dedicated to keeping our players happy by listening to their concerns and providing a wealth of content with regular expansions”
In anticipation of today’s launch, Burda:ic also added the highly anticipated Sealed Item System to Florensia last week. All equipment pieces found now have a number of seals that can be ‘released’ by specific NPCs. Impress friends and enemies by becoming one of the first adventurers to sport items with the powerful unsealed effects!
Read more here.