An open letter from the community of Infantry Online to Daybreak Game Company has surfaced, requesting assisting in ensuring the longevity the game.
The letter comes from Free Infantry, a non-profit player-driven community who call themselves the “benevolent custodian” of Infantry Online. Any and all operational costs for servers etc. are covered by them. They write,
“Since the official shutdown of Sony Online Entertainment servers in March 2012, Free Infantry has been patiently rebuilding the community. We have implemented all of the core infrastructure needed to host the server, and have seen zone developers and players contribute in building new content. Refer to the project homepage to see the latest updates and screenshots.”
The letter states that new members of the community join and are pleasantly surprised to see Infantry Online still running. To that end, they are requesting a brace of opportunities alongside Daybreak to ensure the longevity of Infantry Online,
- The game client that Free Infantry uses is still the original Infantry Online client. It uses DirectDraw which has more compatibility issues with each new Windows version since the client was released. Some of the tools used also require the zone developers to run them in compatibility mode which may not always work. We are unsure of how much longer the game client will remain usable, and would like to maintain and update it.
- Infantry Online is not present on the premier game publishing platform Steam, which we believe would help further grow and promote the community. We would like to get Infantry Online published on Steam.
You can check out the full letter here.
Thanks for the tip, Anon!