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No Man's Sky's Latest Expedition, The Cursed, Makes Things Ultra Weird

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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No Man’s Sky’s newest expedition, The Cursed, is here just in time for spooky season. Adventure without access to hyperdrive tech, all while mysteriously haunting voices and visions from another dimension make themselves known.

The new, two-week expedition builds upon certain threads begun back in Atlas Rises, and If you've been playing for a while, you might see some of those roots. In The Cursed, you'll travel through what is described as a twilight realm, and that's when things get weird.

“Haunting voices, leaking through from another dimension, will provide guidance, information, strange blueprints… and mystery. It is up to you to decide who these voices belong to, where they are coming from, and if they are to be trusted.”

No Man’s Sky always presents a variety of obstacles and challenges, as well as environmental hazards to deal with, but this time, there’s another, arguably bigger, challenge of a different nature. Staying in reality.

Your exosuit features an Anomaly Suppressor that you must maintain. Fail to do that, and things will get even weirder as you slip through into the spectral reality. There are spectral anomalies traveling across the boundaries that you'll encounter. Much of the time they'll just observe. However, a weakened suppressor can lead to things like time suddenly going in very non-linear fashion, more intense voices from the other dimension, and those normally observant, drifting anomalies potentially getting hostile.

That's just the beginning. the boundaries are weak and you'll have to figure out how to navigate through the expedition and to strengthen the boundary as well. Throughout, you'll find yourself having to brew elixirs to strengthen the boundary, to reveal the locations of portals, and to open gateways. Finally, the Elixir of Water is a must drink to get to the final trial. So, be prepared for those consequences.


The List: 10 Of Best Features No Man's Sky Has Added Since Release

Rewards include some decorative posters to take back some memories of the journey across the boundaries, Anomaly Seal base paint (a souvenir only…but just in case), an Ink-Stained Jetpack Trail customization option, a Bioluminescent Companion, and a Boundary Herald Starship. There’s another customization option as a reward too–Boundary Horror Mandibles–for your exosuit.

The full patch notes have all the details to know before you jump in.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.