There's going to be another no downtime experiment in EVE, after experiments and data collected showed improvements in downtime reduction. This new experiment is dated for Thursday, September 9th.
The last time a no downtime experiment happened in late 2019, the devblog laid out the reasons to consider the experiment. Tranquility's downtime used to take closer to an hour - compared to taking a lunch break, and with the current plans now in 2021, downtime is measured at around three minutes (or a fast cup of tea). The experiment in running a new uninterrupted session is to get more data. While there will be more information about the lessons and feedback gained from this experiment, this time around there are four main goals:
Verify the fixes made for the issues discovered in the previous experiment in the live production environment
Verify that no other code/features have regressed since last time and in general look for further issues
Observe memory usage
Verify that our technology platform (which you will hear more about later) is not making any downtime assumptions
From the previous no downtime experiment, the team took feedback and also noted that the downtime, considered like an event in itself, meant that certain things just would not get done. Some corporations wouldn't join Faction Warfare because downtime was coming, some structures did not finish the 24+ hour timers, and more. Additionally, there were some issues of time desynchronization and memory hogging that were addressed.
Ultimately, downtime has three components that tend to take about a minute each to complete, but with downtime having fallen dramatically over the last decade, and with sights set on further potential reductions (and an end goal of no downtime eventually), it seems that these data gathering experiments may recur until the team resolves it. and in the meantime, there will be video to mark the occasions.