Nightingale has announced an additional stress test in early February, it announced over its official channels. The multiplayer survival game, with a hybrid of high fantasy and Victorian-era aesthetics, tech and gameplay, will open its servers on February 3rd for approximately three hours for server stress testing.
On the day of the test, February 2nd, the first wave of players who opted in to testing via Steam’s test sign-up system will be notified; downloads will begin at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time, and the servers open an hour afterwards, at 11:00 a.m. MT.
The stress test will include a “tailored version of Nightingale’s early game experience that skips tutorial content” and equips the player with gear, tools, and recipes, pushing players ahead about 10 hours. Players can also immediately join their friends’ servers to play together, with no limits on builds.
The devs will share some gameplay tips, assumedly to ensure players can enjoy the game for the brief period. However, no progress will be saved for future versions. Players will also be welcome to share gameplay on social media, with the caveat that they need to make clear it’s from the server test.
The test will last for three hours, until 2:00 p.m. MT. Throughout, more players may be invited as well based on circumstances. The team encourages players to check by refreshing the official Steam Page.
This is likely a ramp-up in preparations for Nightingale’s official Early Access launch, which takes place on February 22nd. Nightingale is one of the more anticipated multiplayer survival games of many in early 2024.