The next update for Astellia is all about Avalon.
The update, which should release on July 28, will introduce Avalon Tokens with the Ceres, Physe, and Eos factions having their own tokens. However, the team notes that these tokens will reset every season. Therefore, be sure to use them before the season concludes.
New Avalon Astel have also been added, in addition to new Avalon weapons and armor. Zender rewards were also touched on, with these rewards increasing by at least double. A new Avalon guard NPC is going to be added as well.
More tokens are en route like the exchange token and golden victory token. Kalmar’s illusion quest, “Sealed Source Teleport Scroll,” was also mentioned, though the flavor text here is a bit odd,
“There were continuous messages requesting to join Avalon on the chat, but no way to join... Pisces was sad.So, the Teleport Scroll will be purchasable with the Golden Victory Tokens.Also you know the boxes from hunting Kalmar? They will also have the Teleport Scrolls.”
You can check out what all is new here.