Moving into May, the latest New World update is focused on fixes, but it also opens up names that had been locked when characters using them were deleted.
Several of the fixes in this update address issues that were preventing players from progressing or were causing major problems otherwise. Some of these had to do with performance, as there was an issue that had the potential to cause global events and timers to degrade server performance. This was fixed along with another issue that would cause crafting sessions to fail when there was high latency.
Players were also seeing dodging become disabled after they became exhausted. This was, naturally, putting those affected at a disadvantage. Hatchet Berserk and Ice Gauntlet Ice Pylon abilities were also not coming off cooldown in some instances. In another fix that had to have taken some investigating to really work out how it was happening:
“Fixed an issue that caused the Alacrity, Empowered, and Fortified Amulet perks to disable the Freedom, Vigor, and Invigorated Armor perks if equipped in a specific order”.
There was also an issue with Tempest’s Heart Replica weapons being crafted at unintentionally high gear score levels. This was reined in and now these items should craft within the intended range of 592-600. There’s no word on if anything will affect the gear that was crafted at the too-high stats.
With the number of changes New World has seen, and the recent introduction of not just server transfers, but the promised regional transfers, it seems fitting that this update also makes available a number of names that had been in use by characters that had been deleted. This might also aid those who decided to reroll on a new server to be with friends, pre-transfers, back in the long queue days and might have lost character name access.
Overall, this update is addressing a series of issues that have been impacting progress in Aeternum. See the notes over at New World.