New World is fixing some invisible nuisances in its latest patch. Downtime will happen overnight, starting at 11 PM PT, with a new patch that’s concentrated on fixes, both full and partial, for some annoying issues like invisible quest givers.
While the July team update discussed all of what awaits, from the musical instruments and weapon balance changes coming soon, plus the Barnacles and Blackpowder Expedition, this update is a housekeeping one, with one exploit being addressed and some quality of life adjustments.
Perhaps the most urgent fix is closing up an exploit that was allowing players to endlessly spam their abilities. Given the nature of the issue, it's no surprise that there aren't any details on the exploit or how it has been used, but the team is closing that hole with this patch.
Other fixes include repairing an issue that was causing some crests to be inaccessible and not showing up on players’ lists. Quest resets that were repeating lore or rewards should stop doing that. Sometimes players would not get the right (or any) achievement progress for their total Trade Skill ranks. This is also being addressed.
Then there's invisibility. This patch fixes the problem of invisible quest giver NPCs, and applies a partial fix for invisible Void Destroyers in Invasion and the Tempest’s Heart Expedition.
New World’s upcoming big July update is still on the PTS for those who might want to give the devs some additional feedback on what’s coming.
Finally, since Amazon is marking its annual Prime Day sale, naturally, there’s also a bonus pack available for New World players. A Prime Day pack consisting of a Drum Table, Iron Harp Shelf, and Tour Tapestry decor can be claimed until tomorrow for Amazon Prime members. Fitting with a huge musical update coming.
For the full patch notes and information, head over to New World.