The latest New World Forged in Aeternum episode is all about narrative and creating the enemy families that you will find in Aeternum. The team goes into the creative process, including taking inspiration from real historical cultures and legends, as well as other ways they've determined who you'll be fighting as you set foot on the Eternal Isle.
What they mean by families are different groups of enemies that belong to a particular group. Examples are the Varangian Knights, the Lost, the Corrupted, Ancient Guardians, and others. Narrative Designer Aaron de Orive discusses humans as “There were children who were given a box of matches, and once they started trying to do whatever they could with this power, then yes, calamity ensued”. And then he adds that they were directed by the Ancients, so one could put this blame, so to speak on the Ancients.
With all the various groups sharing the world in New World, the interconnected histories are all thanks to narrative designers. Of course in any MMORPG, you need an engaging world to set everybody loose in. The narrative team has an important role in not only setting the feel and flavor of the world, working with the design team to create types of enemies that are not only fun to battle against, but who feel like they have stories and history to anchor them and create stakes.
When asked which of these families are their favorites, Narrative Director Rob Chestney reflects on this well with bringing up the Angry Earth. This is due to the nuances in their origin, and how this adds depth to Aeternum. The Angry Earth are the result of a group of Ancients sacrificing themselves to defeat another group of Ancients. Those dead Ancients gave rise to The Angry Earth.
This latest episode is a 20 minute conversation that gives insight into the development process surrounding some of the most memorable enemy groups in the game. If you’re interested in lore and how the ingredients become the lore-rich world to play in, check out the full video, and see the entry over at New World.