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New World Details the Blunderbuss, From All Abilities to Upgrades

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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With New World’s next update being readied, the team has been discussing community feedback and even released a seasonal roadmap recently. The next update wihh bring in an all-new weapon, the Blunderbuss, and now there’s a new rundown of what to expect from the weapon, including details of the trees, abilities, and potential upgrades.

The Blunderbuss is a ranged weapon that is designed to offer some flexibility. It’s designed for mobility, and will scale on strength and intelligence, so this gives an advantage towards mages or even bruisers who want to wield it and master the trees. The two trees for the Blunderbuss are Chaos and Containment. Chaos is focused on keeping distance between you and the enemy and using a number of explosive AoE attacks to let loose. Containment puts you in position to get in closer, unleash attacks and get out of there.

When you choose Containment, you’ll get access to Net Shot, which lets you fire a huge net at your enemies, causing 40% weapon damage and a 40% 2-second slow. If you’re moving backwards when you shoot, it will knock you further back with the recoil, meaning this could get you out of danger if you land a killing shot. If you’re moving sideways or forward, you’ll continue forward. Claw Shot lets you shoot a large, chained, claw at enemies, causing damage and a brief root. Azoth Shrapnel Blast lets you fire five damaging bullets forward in a fan, which also pushes you backwards.

Chaos, on the other hand, is about keeping out, taking your shots, and getting back out again. Or even keeping others away. Splitting Grenade lets you fire a grenade that bounces up to four times. you can detonate it at any point. When you do, it will split into three mini grenades, causing area damage. Mortar Charge uses heavy canisters to fire off up to 3 canister shots that explodes for 100% weapon damage in a 3m area, and even more damage if the target is far away. Blast Shot  fires wine immediately in front of you, dealing 70% weapon damage. 

Each of the abilities in both trees has potential upgrades that apply to both specific skills and overall. Some of these will reduce cooldowns, increase damage, or extend your chambers.

For the full Blunderbuss rundown, head over to New World.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.