New World: Aeternum continues preparing for Season 7’s launch next week, this time unveiling the seasonal rewards tracks, where you can get useful items, transmog tokens, Artifacts, cosmetics, and more.
As usual, there will be a free track and a premium track, with each level offering new loot. If you decide to go in on the premium track, you'll also get everything on the free track as you progress through the season. Now that the game has gone multiplatform, you'll have to decide which platform you want your season pass progress to be counted on. This is one of the limitations from the lack of cross progression.
On the free track this season will be both the new Otzi Ice Gauntlet and Heceta Life Staff Artifacts. The free track will also include a number of firework emote permits of different types, weapon skins, boosters, a number of different reward chests for materials, crafting and more, a new title at level 90, Warbringer, and at level 100, the Fungal Nymph Hut. These are just some of the many rewards you can earn just for playing the game. There are also coins, dyes, Marks of Fortune, Gems, and more.
The premium track offers some new emotes (Preen Queen and Brimstone Lizard Run) , Faction tokens, a number of premium chests, Gypsum Orbs, weapon skins, a season XP booster to keep ranking up, different types of boosters, and much more.
The team breaks down the full list of both reward tracks' loot so you can peruse the choices and determine whether you want to spend for the premium pass or if the free track will be rewarding enough for you. The free track does include two of the eight brand new Artifacts of the season.
New World: Aeternum’s Season of Conquerors, begins on January 21st.