Dark or Light

New Witchfire Short Story, 'The Preyer', Gives a Look Into the Lore and Powers at Work

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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It’s almost Halloween, and the Witchfire team is making the most of the mood this time of year, with several new horror-inspired art posters and a new short story, The Preyer, which is out today.

The Preyer is a story set in the world of Witchfire and written by studio co-founder and creative director, Adrian Chmielarz. It serves as an introduction to the world and some of what you might expect from the theme. “Preyers” are what witch hunters are known as in this world, and there are layers of magic and threats in the world to know about. The story unfolds in the forest one night, where a preyer, close to death, is tracking the witch when a group of bandits show up and make threats, not knowing who they’ve encountered.

As the details and the story’s ultimate resolution unfold, The Preyer is filled with lore details and is a good read for anyone who is looking forward to Witchfire. From the unfortunate bandits to the way the witchfire remains, and cycles continue, are details that look to be explored when the game is out.

Witchfire, which recently got an overhaul to emphasize open level design and more flexible options for players, is coming next year. Early Access has been delayed a little, but for now, the team is offering a few things to spark your interest.

There are six horror inspired art prints from Polish artists that the team gave 10 subgenres to choose from, with each artist asked to pick just one. These included body horror, dark fantasy (which is where Witchfire the game finds itself), pulp horror, zombie horror, and gothic fiction/ghost stories. The final six range in genres and the way the artists worked to include inspirations from Witchfire.

You can take a look at all of the art pieces and details on the artists over at Witchfire.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.