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New Vaniki and Yelinak TLP Servers Opening for EverQuest on Wednesday

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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This week, EverQuest will be getting its newest Time-Locked Progression servers, Vaniki and Yelinak, ahead of June server merges. 

Both servers will open up on Wednesday, with Yelinak Featuring The Classic EverQuest experience. On the other hand, Vaniki will offer the chance to try and achieve various classic EverQuest goals while being under leveled. 

If you're a seasoned EverQuest player, then this challenge just might be up your alley. Vaniki will start at the Gates of Discord expansion at level 40. There will be an accelerated rate of expansion and level unlocks up to level 60 with new content appearing between 2 to 4 weeks up until level 60 and then afterwards at an 8 to 12 week cadence.  

Therewill be a series of challenges with the goal to defeat a certain boss while you are under a particular level. When the  server goes live the level will be 40 and your goal will be to beat Cazic-Thule. If you do that, you'll get an item that will give you low set food at a click. The item you receive has unlimited charges so you can make good use of it as you progress. Since you start at 40 you will be on level 40, this challenge but the next one is 50 so your goal is to defeat Yelinak before level 50 for another bonus, and so on as you get to all expansion content.

As for Yelinak, the server,  The rules that there is true box Time-Locked progression, so earlier expansions will unlock more often, progression will be standard, slower than current live servers but faster than the original launch of EverQuest. Experience will speed up as more expansions get unlocked until the pace is on par with Live.

If you're looking for new ways to challenge yourself while taking on classic EverQuest content, maybe the new TLP servers are for you. For  more, head over to EverQuest. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.