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New Server and Competition

Jon Wood Posted:
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Navyfield has announced that they will be adding a new server to their game in the month of July. They will also be joining the Game&Game world Championship.

NavyField Europe (Company: eFusion MMOG) announced today they will add a 2nd server at the end of July. The 2nd server will be an English server and many events will be started on server launch day.   They also announced they are joining the GNGWC (Game&Game World Championship) and they will start a European local league in the middle of July. NavyField Europe fleets will join in the local league finals and 2 teams will join in the final in Korea in November with one representative of each team on location for the prize of 10,000 $ and many other presents. European local finals will be held at Games Convention in Leipzig on 21st of August.   For more information, you can check www.navyfield.eu, the official site of NavyField Europe.   NavyField Europe also opened the “party weekend” event on the 28th  and 29th of June where the players got a 30% increase in EXP, credits, points and veteran gain for the duration of the weekend. At the end of July this Event will be repeated. In middle of July NavyField Europe plans to have a special patch including CV EXP boosting, a host wake-up function and other good content that came from the requests of users.   The submarine patch is in development at the moment, and this big patch will be implemented around September. Many NavyField users are waiting for this new ship line and will really enjoy this new content. NavyField Europe is also planning on implementing new sounds, a new interface and many new community functions in the 3rd quarter of this year.

Read more here.