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New Season 'End of Watch' Starts Tomorrow in The Division 2, New Exotics and Features Added

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Steven Weber Posted:
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Title Update 12 goes live tomorrow in The Division 2 bringing a new Manhunt, new events, new rewards, and some cool new features. One new feature, the Optimization Station will push the boundaries of gear to their upper limits.

The new title update covers a lot of ground, but aims to provide the kind of content players often look forward to, with new rewards hitting the scene that will shake up player-builds in new ways. The new rewards can be seen in detail in the patch notes, but are listed below in a brief overview:

  • 2 new Exotics: Exotic Shotgun – ScorpioExotic Holster - Waveform
  • 1 new Gear SetRigger
  • 2 new Named WeaponsTactical .308 Marksman Rifle: ScalpelPDR Assault Rifle: Test Subject
  • 2 new Named GearEmpress International Chest: Caesar's GuardEmpress International Backpack: Battery Pack
  • 1 new Brand SetEmpress International

Two new features, the Optimization Station and the Global Event Vendor have been added as well. The Global Event Vendor will now change the way that players earn event rewards. Now, players will earn stars by completing Global Event Challenges that they can then spend in the Global Event Shops to purchase season, crafting and exotic caches.

That isn’t all, the team has squashed plenty of bugs, added quality of life features, such as adding additional inventory space and a new skill pick up feature for turrets, and they’ve also released the Season Four target dates for Manhunt and Global Event releases.

If you’ve missed the previous Title Updates, don’t worry too much, but you may want to check out the last one to see what you may have missed, if it’s been a while since you logged into The Division 2.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.