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New Roadmap Reveals That Paradox Has Tons in Store for Crusader Kings III in 2024

Casey Bell Posted:
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Paradox Interactive has tons in store for Crusader Kings III in 2024. A roadmap revealed earlier this week promises two expansions (one core, one major) for the game and more.

2024’s content rollout is being called Crusader Kings III: Chapter 3 and includes the Legends of the Dead and Roads to Power expansions, as well as the Wandering Nobles event pack, and Couture of the Capets cosmetic DLC.

Legends of the Dead is 2024’s core expansion, which means it’s a large expansion, but not as large as a major expansion. This expansion is focused on giving players the ability to build their leaders up as legends by spreading tales of their heroism far and wide or just going out and doing those heroic deeds themselves. Legends of the Dead is only a few weeks away, with a release date set for March 4.

Roads to Power is CK3’s major expansion this year and it puts its focus on the Byzantine Empire. The expansion also adds Administrative Government, the ability to freely roam the map as a hired hand seeking adventure, a new influence system, and more.

All of the content revealed in the Chapter 3 roadmap can be purchased a la carte or together a bundle with the Chapter 3 expansion pass.