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New Q&A

Jon Wood Posted:
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Today, we release a brand new Q&A with the good people from Jumpgate. This time around, we talk to Steve Hartmeyer, one of the game's developers. To read the whole thing, just follow the link below!


Recently, we ran a developer journal written by Steve Hartmeyer, a developer on Jumpgate who may be better known as Istvan. It looked to the past. Now we compliment that with an interview that looks to the future of this space-flight MMORPG from the developers of Auto Assault.

MMORPG.com: Jumpgate has been around for some time. For those who never tried the game, can you tell us about the basic themes behind it?

Steve Hartmeyer: Jumpgate is an online spaceflight simulator, set in a far-future milieu where a spacefaring civilization is being rebuilt amid conflicts among the successor states and corporations. Gameplay is reminiscent of Elite or Privateer, in which players can choose combat or profit to make their mark, but unlike those single-player games, every ship in Jumpgate is another player.

Read it all, here.