Dark or Light

New Patch released

James Snietka Posted:
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   A new patch was released in El Kardian on March 5th. The patch adds a few notable features to the game:

  • Bags - Players can have a maximum of four bags (with a size of 16x4 inventory slots). These can be purchased by NPCs.
  • Basic Stamina Implementation - A system is in the works for implementing stamina. For the time being, you will be able to see your stamina and raise it in certain ways, but for the moment it doesn't do anything.
  • Unique Rare Drop Items - Some items now drop off of certain monsters all ready identified. These are new rare items that can only be obtained from fighting the exact same monster.
  • No Drop Items - No Drop items are in the works, but have not made it into this patch. They will truly be rare and exceptional, and likely only available via quest or boss monsters.

You can read the official news post here: http://www.elkardian.net.sg/


James Snietka