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New Lost Ark Summer Roadmap Update Gives Players a Look Ahead to What's Coming in the Next Few Months

Casey Bell Posted:
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A new roadmap update for Lost Ark gives players a look at what’s ahead for 2024.

In July, the “Cool Retreat” update will add solo mode for raids and dungeons, though rewards will be adjusted downward when playing through this content solo. A boost will also be added to assist players in progressing through Tier 3 ahead of Tier 4’s release.

Speaking of Tier 4, Lost Ark’s Tier 4 endgame content will drop in September, adding the North Kurzan continent and 16 player Behemoth raid. The level cap will be raised and  dungeons Kenuat Fortress and Kurzan Frontline will be available. Naturally, Tier 4 gear will be rewarded here and will also include updated engravings, as well as improved gems and stones.

A new Ark Passive system will offer upgradeable nodes for players to use to enhance their combat capabilities.

In Q4, Lost Ark will get the Kazeros Raid: Aegir, which is a two gate challenge where players can face off against Akkan and Aegir. Around this time the game will also see new pet abilities and the addition of Buzzling Island.

A roadmap video will be released sometime in July, giving players an even closer look at what’s coming to Lost Ark.