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New Borderlands 3 Vault Hunter Announced

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Gearbox announced via blog post their latest vault hunter for Borderlands 3, due out September 13.

Moze the Gunner offers a variety of skill trees:  Shield of Retribution, Demolition Woman, and Bottomless Mags

For full details, check out the blog post linked above. A condensed version of Moze’s skill trees are below.

Shield of Retribution

  • Full Can of Whoop-Ass causes Moze and her allies to immediately begin recharging their shields at an increased rate whenever Moze jumps into Iron Bear.
  • Force Feedback adds serious staying power to your shield: Moze’s shields will immediately begin recharging any time she scores a critical kill. If you’re an ace at nailing headshots, you’ll be that much tougher to take down.
  • Phalanx Doctrine is a passive ability that grants multiple stacks of a buff by the same name every time you kill an enemy. For every stack, Moze’s maximum shield and gun damage are increased—and the kicker is that there’s no stack limit, though each stack only lasts a limited time. Killing large groups of weak enemies simultaneously will make you ridiculously powerful if you can set it up properly.
Demolition Woman
  • Torgue Cross-Promotion gives all splash damage that Moze deals a chance to double in size. It’s a known fact that explosions are better when they’re bigger.
  • Auto Bear lets Iron Bear fight on your behalf; once Moze jump outs, it will remain deployed in place for a short time. While it’s active, Iron Bear will attack nearby enemies, then charge at an enemy and self-destruct when its duration ends. That’s a true friend right there.
  • Short Fuse lets your guns join the explosion party: whenever Moze deals gun damage, there’s a chance to trigger a secondary explosion centered on your target. Pair this ability with a high-rate-of-fire weapon to create some serious fireworks.

Bottomless Mags

  • Matched Set is an awesome reward for brand loyalty, giving Moze’s currently equipped weapon a stacking bonus to magazine size and decreased heat per shot for every piece of equipped gear that has a matching manufacturer.
  • Specialist Bear encourages you to equip two of the same Action Skill weapon on Iron Bear, increasing their damage by a flat amount. Nothing wrong with a little uniformity, right?
  • Forge is every gunner’s dream, and it’s beautiful in its simplicity: Moze constantly regenerates ammo for her currently equipped weapon. When paired with the unlimited magazine of a COV gun and a bit of prudent shooting, Moze can theoretically fire off rounds until the end of time.