Dark or Light

New Beta Client

Jon Wood Posted:
News 0

A major update has been made to the Beta client for the MMORPG, DarkSpace. The changes are large enough that any older versions of the Beta client will not function and will need to be uninstalled:


The DarkSpace Staff would like to inform everyone about some major updates and changes to the DarkSpace Beta client.

We have recently begun a complete overhaul to the entire GameCQ client. This is the user interface that deals with client logins, the chat interface, displaying game servers and most importantly, how the game itself is updated.

Due to these changes, any older versions of the DarkSpace Beta client will no longer work, and we recommend completely uninstalling any such versions, and downloading the new GameCQ Beta interface from the link provided below

Important changes to the chat interface include the chat itself being moved to use its own window, popup message support (for friend chat, private messages, and server announcements when the chat interface is minimized), friendlier chat alert tones and an increase in the default chat buffer settings (previous settings would only store around 100 lines of text in the onscreen buffer, the new settings allow for several thousand).

The update system has been improved and optimized to allow for future support of server specific game mods, as well as potentially providing a reliable and secure distribution/update system for other (third party) online games.

For the DarkSpace Game itself, we are working on changing the engine netcode from pure TCP/IP protocol, to using a combined UDP/TCP system. The biggest benefit from such a change should be a major reduction in percieved 'lag' on the client side. Along with other serverside thread handling optimizations, these changes should provide a much smoother gameplay experience for all of our users.

Although the current beta version is still a little unstable as many of the changes are as yet unfinished, we invite everyone to take a look at our progress, and to help us out by providing feedback and assistance in our bug testing.

We would also like testers to take a look at the changes between the Beta and the current 1.483 Release version, and provide honest feedback and opinions on the changes, as we are well aware that an established userbase can sometimes end up with rosey tinted spectacles.

For more on DarkSpace click here.