Dark or Light

Neverwinter Sharandar Episode 1 Available Now on PS4 and Xbox One

Poorna Shankar Updated: Posted:
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If you’re playing Neverwinter on PS4 or Xbox One, there’s good news for you. Episode 1 of The Iron Tooth is now available after a brief delay.

The Iron Tooth is the first episode of a three episode module for Neverwinter Sharandar. This first episode is meant to take you to the Feywild lands as part of Sharandar. This includes a new adventure zone, an Annis Hag lair, plus an endgame dungeon, and more.

The Ruins of Malabog Adventure Zone contain the remnants of Malabog's army. The new social hub features a stronghold for players to socialize. The Annis Hag Lair will see you face off against the Fey being. And the endgame dungeon, which released on PC earlier, contains the Night Diamond item.

If you’re on PC, Episode 2 The Soul Keeper will launch on April 13 and hit consoles a month later on May 13. This second episode will bring about the revamped mystical land. It also includes the Mended Grove which features new heroic encounters and new areas.

Check out the trailer below.